Hideo Matsumoto is a widely celebrated ceramist born in 1951, Kyoto. He has been exhibiting his work since 1983 and mostly works in large scale sculptural installations. Each installation contains many distinct sculptures which flow together, often in dialogue about surface, material, and the information society we live in. One of the early influences on his work was the Sodeisha movement, an avant-garde group that sought to blue pottery and sculpture. For Matsumoto, that has translated to the expression of his creative world in panoramic works of plate-like porcelain sections. Fantastic forms, chains, and individual parts come together to make landscapes of porcelain which reflect the mind and future of the earth.
Much of his education of the Sodeisha movement was due to his college professors. He received his B.A.F at the Kyoto University of Art and his Masters at the same University. Presently, he is a Professor of Material Expression at Kyoto Seika University. His work is in numerous collections and has received many awards for the dimension he brought to ceramics.