Luboš Plný, Untitled, 2013, Ink, acrylic, mixed media on paper, 23.5 x 33 inches, 59.7 x 83.8 cm, LuP 58
FEBRUARY 18 - MARCH 26, 2016
1- a lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates
2- a person pursuing rebellious, even potentially disruptive, policies or ideas
3- unorthodox, unconventional, nonconformist
“Outsider art” is not a movement. Each artist, regardless of background essentially reinvents the wheel for personal expression. What they create is contemporary art but none of it is made in conversation with an art historical agenda. Process is more important than discourse. The work is made in trance, or as a simple act of self-location in an ever-kinetic universe.
In a year of great exhibitions and press attention, the field of non-mainstream art (art brut or ‘outsider’) is finally gaining the critical scrutiny it merits. The past couple years has been an extremely rich time for finding, and featuring new artists previously unseen in the United States, and elsewhere in the world.
This isn’t just a case of ‘new for the sake of new’ It is about finding artists outside mainstream channels who will be important future additions to the field. We are open to possibilities from all over the world and MAVERICK! will feature 25 artists from the U.S., Indonesia, France, Belgium, Austria, India, Japan, and a special presentation of artists from Czech Republic.