Miles Davis famously said, “Music is not in the notes, but in the silence between the notes.” To Richard Serra, space was a “material,” the articulation of which took “precedence over other concerns.” Whether it is a pause in time or a void in space, the design principle of negative space is encompassed in the Japanese concept of Ma, a philosophy maintaining that absences are as powerful as presences, that emptiness gives substance to the vacuum and defines the tangible. Each of the artists in The Space Between makes the unfilled space within their work an essential element that imbues their work with meaning.
Marc Leuthold “plays the silence” in the negative spaces of his subtly carved wheels. Radial patterns of intricate crests and valleys correspond to the rhythmic repetition of notes and rests in musical arrangements. The clay “silences” that he removes in the carving process define and emphasize the lyrical quality of the raised clay ridges and provide the framework around which he composes a harmonious whole.